Major Sponsor
HMR Foundation
Prizes for the Maldon Portrait Prize exhibitions have been sponsored by the I Be Human organisation and the HMR Foundation. Both organisations, established by Andrea Bianchedi, a philanthropist and entrepreneur, were borne out of the desire to do good for others, to create a melting pot for ideas, to foster and nurture interconnections and to support creative environmental, social and cultural projects, including the arts in all its forms. Although based in Italy both organisations support international projects. Establishment of the HMR Foundation by Andrea honours the wish of his late mother Hillary Merkus Recordati.
A recent artwork sponsored by the I Be Human organisation in memory of Hillary Merkus Rocordati is a large installation on Palazzo Strozzi in Florence, by the French Artist JR. This artwork, titled La Ferita (the Wound) is an evocative reflection on accessibility to all cultural sites in this pandemic era. Palazzo Strozzi becomes the stage for a symbolic yet painful wound suffered by all cultural institutions in Italy and abroad where galleries, libraries, theatres and cinemas are forced to either restrict audience access or to shut down completely.
Some other projects initiated or supported by I Be Human include a youth theatre project for marginalised young people, a campaign to reduce the use of plastics, a worker safety campaign, an arts space in Milan, the architecture pavilion for the Venice Biennale, a palliative care centre, a children’s hospital.
Andrea is deeply connected to Australia where his extended art loving family on his maternal side lived and where he continues to have family connections. Andrea attended primary school on the Mornington Peninsula for some time. He lives in Italy where the installation, La Ferita (The Wound) is being shown.
We are appreciative and grateful for the sponsorship of I Be Human and the Hillary Merkus Recordati Foundation.
HMR Foundation www.en.fhmr.it
Other Sponsors
Sponsors who have provided invaluable support in realising MANet’s mission include:
The Maldon and District Community Bank
Castlemaine Rotary
Billman’s Foundry
The Maldon Neighbourhood Centre provides auspice for MANet, with organisational and administrative assistance as well as a legal and operational framework. All enquiries about MANet to maldonmanet@gmail.com